
Announcements, industry news and tech stuff
Review – The Art of Electronics, 3rd Edition

Review – The Art of Electronics, 3rd Edition

I'm a little late to the party here, because it was released in 2015, but recently I received my very own copy of the third edition of Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill's book, The Art Of Electronics. The Art of Electronics is one of those books you always hear about,...

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When products attack

When products attack

This week, it's been revealed that a massive botnet made up substantially of hacked IoT devices was responsible for attacking a top tier service provider, and taking a whole collection of major websites down for a long period of time....

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Ohm Sweet Ohm..

Ohm Sweet Ohm..

It's nice to be back in my workspace today. So much onsite work lately has meant I've been away for 2 weeks. Working alongside all the other small businesses that operate out of here is great - so many people passionate about what they do, and what they are building....

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Wio Link – a review

Wio Link – a review

The Wio Link is a novel IoT prototyping solution from prolific maker gear supplier Seeed studios. The first thing to understand about Wio Link is, while it's marketed as a simple IoT prototyping solution, it's not really about prototyping IoT devices, but about...

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A happy surprise – Wio Link arrived

A happy surprise – Wio Link arrived

My Seeed Studio kickstarter reward for the Wio Link finally showed up this morning - the Wio Link deluxe kits were last to ship, as they had some problem getting all the bits ready on time, so I'd actually kind of forgotten about it when it showed up....

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Website Launched and Logo stuff

Website Launched and Logo stuff

Very exciting news for Means of Invention - today the website is launched! Thanks to the wonderfully talented Leia from The art of wall, Means of Invention now has a logo, website, business cards, and even a company mug. Perhaps it’s not exactly news to read here, as...

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Zero knowledge privacy hits the bigtime

Zero knowledge privacy hits the bigtime

It’s finally starting to be a thing that not every single cloud service needs to own a copy of the data that their customers create. This is recently a feature that a lot of people are interested in, due to repeated attacks on people's privacy from both government and...

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